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I have owned several Jack Russells in my lifetime and as a general rule, they are not really particularly smelly dogs. When I get asked ‘do Jack Russells smell?’ I always say that it does depend on the dog! Short haired Jack Russells are the least smelly because their fur is short and easy to keep clean.

Pooch & Mutt - Health & Digestion, Complete Dry Dog Food (Grain Free), Salmon and Sweet Potato, 2kg
Pooch & Mutt - Health & Digestion, Complete Dry Dog Food (Grain Free), Salmon and Sweet Potato, 2kg
Amazon Prime
Pooch & Mutt - Health & Digestion, Complete Dry Dog Food (Grain Free), Salmon and Sweet Potato, 2kg
Pooch & Mutt - Health & Digestion, Complete Dry Dog Food (Grain Free), Salmon and Sweet Potato, 2kg
Amazon Prime

Generally Jack Russells don’t smell

As a general rule, Jack Russells are not the smelliest of dogs compared to most other breeds. Their fur is short and coarse and if they have a regular diet they shouldn’t stink too much. However, there are always certain things to watch out for though including smelly farts and rolling in fox poo!

Doggy Fur Smell

Do Jack Russells smell? Sometimes your Jack Russell can start to smell….well….doggish!

Sometime their fur just starts to harbour odours and get very wet and dank, giving that damp fur or doggish smell. If this is the case, consider bathing your Jack Russell. Its always a good idea to use a kind dog shampoo or even a dog flea shampoo. You don’t need to bath your Jack Russell more than every 3-6 months really. They certainly shouldn’t be having a bath on a weekly or monthly basis because this can strip their fur of it’s natural oils.

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Smelly farts

Some Jack Russells stink when they eat certain foods! The only way to really find out what works is to try out different foods to see which one suits your dog. Low residue dog foods can minimise farts and poop, so they are a good option to consider. Remember though, always change your dogs diet under your vets advice and supervision.

Pooch & Mutt - Health & Digestion, Complete Dry Dog Food (Grain Free), Salmon and Sweet Potato, 2kg
  • Designed to help dogs with poor or sensitive digestion
  • Premium, grain free complete dry dog food
  • Includes prebiotics to aid the balance of good bacteria

Sometimes their farts can stink more when they eat ‘human food’ or rich treats such as sausage. It’s best to avoid giving your Jack Russell treats under the table. It will teach him or her to beg for food but also could disrupt his usual digestion and result in extremely stinky farts – sometimes ones that smell like rotten eggs!

Rolling in Fox Poo

If you’re JRT rolls in Fox Poo, BEWARE!!!!

Sorry, but it will absolutely stink!

Stop your dog from doing this if you can, but if your pooch goes off lead then it’s not always possible!

If your dog has rolled in fox poo then you will need to wash him or her straight away. Wash him outside with a hose or Mud Daddy if you can (usually best in the summer months). If you need to bring your dog inside the house to be washed, carry him straight to the bathroom without letting him touch anything!

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You will be pleased to know that there is a special Fox Poo shampoo for occasions like this!

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